‘It’s okay not to be okay’. These are words that are used today to help and encourage people to talk about what’s on their mind and what might be worrying them. But this hasn’t always been so. And still isn’t for many of us. It can be very hard to admit that you are struggling and confide in someone. Equally you can recognise if someone is struggling and don’t quite know how to help.
I make cards that support mental health. These are perfect when you want someone to know that you are there for them without have to say it out loud. They are perfect to support someone through a difficult period and they give comfort to someone who might feel totally alone and lost. The aim is to share that message that ‘it is okay not to be okay’.
I have wished so many times in my life to hear those words from someone, to not feel isolated, to not feel different or far from normal. I have learnt that it is normal, it is a part of life and that you are never have to feel that you are alone.